Recent Asbestos & Lead Projects
Hygieneering, Inc.'s highly experienced Asbestos and Lead Consulting Division has the necessary experience, credentials and insurance to ensure that projects of any size are performed safely, legally and cost effectively.
Asbestos/Lead Pre-Alteration Assessments, Project Design, Project Management/Air Monitoring for Asbestos/Lead Abatement in Government Buildings
Hygieneering just recently completed two government projects in the City of Chicago to support interior office renovations and fire pump replacements that involved both the disturbance of asbestos and lead based paint. Being that both facilities remained occupied, the facility still needed to maintain normal day to day operations and access for staff, maintenance, and public. Hygieneering project tasks first involved the performance of a complete Asbestos/Lead Pre-Alteration Inspection to identify the scope of the required abatement. The results of the inspections led to the project design and contractor oversight during the required asbestos and lead abatement in both buildings. Hygieneering provided daily project management and sampling during the abatement activities to ensure the project performance was conducted in strict compliance with IDPH, IEPA, OSHA, City of Chicago, and NESHAP regulations. These projects were completed on time, on budget with no recordable injuries.
Asbestos Design, Project Management and Turnkey Abatement in Chicago Area Independent Living Facility
Hygieneering just recently completed a Turnkey asbestos abatement project at a Chicago area Independent Living Facility to support the demolition and replacement of boilers and hot water tanks serving the facility. Being that the facility supports the senior independent living community, the facility still needed to maintain normal day to day operations and access for tenants, staff, and public. Hygieneering project tasks first involved the performance of a complete Asbestos Inspection to identify the scope of the required abatement. The results of the inspections led to the project design and contractor retention to perform the required asbestos abatement of the hot water tanks. Hygieneering provided turnkey asbestos abatement and daily project management and sampling during the abatement activities to ensure the project performance was conducted in strict compliance with IDPH, IEPA, OSHA, Cook County and NESHAP regulations. This project was completed on time, on budget with no recordable injuries.
Environmental Inspection and Construction Project to Support Overflow of COVID-19 Patients
Hygieneering has been recently involved with a team of professional construction and MEP contractors as well as other state and federal agencies to support converting a former Hospital in the Chicagoland Suburbs into a temporary overflow facility to ease the COVID-19 cases in the area. The campus is to be used as an overflow site for non-acute hospital patients and possibly non-acute COVID-19 patients who do not require an ICU bed or other urgent care. The existing building required support to identify potential mold and moisture issues, Indoor Air Quality and environmental concerns (asbestos and lead) to support the limited demolition and re-use of building systems and building materials. The facility had been previously vacated for over a year. To support the project, Hygieneering, Inc. conducted a moisture survey and assessment to identify areas that may be of concern for microbial growth. This was done using visual inspection, moisture content readings and thermal imaging cameras to delineate areas of concern. Any identified areas were remediated using a professionally trained Mold and Microbial remediation contractor following current EPA and City of New York Guidelines. Hygieneering also inspected and tested renovation impact areas for the presence of asbestos and lead paint with state-licensed Building Inspectors and Risk Assessors to ensure that workers did not disturb regulated materials during this fast-moving project.
Asbestos Inspection, Design, Project Management and Turnkey Abatement in High Rise Commercial Office Building
Hygieneering just recently completed an 18-month long project in downtown Chicago to support the interior demolition and non-asbestos fireproofing respray of a major high-rise commercial office building in the heart of the downtown area. Being that the building is a commercial high rise property, the building needed to maintain normal day to day operations and access for remaining tenants, building staff, clients and general public. Hygieneering project tasks first involved the performance of a complete Asbestos and Lead Inspection to identify the scope of the required abatement and mitigation activities. The results of the inspections lead into the project design/ bid solicitation process. The selection of a contractor and the scheduling and phasing of the abatement had to be coordinated through several strategic team alliances including the property owner, general contractor, engineering staff and multiple trade subcontractors. Hygieneering provided turnkey demolition, asbestos abatement and non-asbestos respray services as well as daily project management and sampling during the abatement/mitigation activities to ensure the project performance was conducted in strict compliance with IDPH, IEPA, OSHA, City of Chicago and NESHAP regulations. This project was aggressively paced with up to five floors under demolition, abatement and/or respray activities at one time. This multi-million-dollar project was completed on time, on budget with no major lost work time incurred due to injury.
Pre-Renovation/Demolition Asbestos and Lead Survey
EPA and OSHA regulations require the identification of asbestos-containing building materials that would be affected by renovations or demolitions. In addition, the OSHA Lead in Construction Standard Asbestos requires employers to protect workers from potential lead exposure. Hygieneering provides compliance-based surveys for asbestos and lead to assist at all types of commercial and industrial properties. Our survey results provide environmental details so our clients can plan appropriately with their project designs. Where necessary, Hygieneering can also provide turnkey remediation assistance. This project involved a standard asbestos-containing material and lead survey to support our client’s renovation activities.
Lead Surface Contamination Assessment - Industrial Environment
Our industrial client was concerned about potential lead dust contamination within certain portions of their manufacturing facility due to the presence of some raw materials they were working with contained lead. Hygieneering reviewed the operations and developed and implemented a sampling strategy to evaluate the situation. Numerous lead surface wipe samples were collected at various locations within the operational areas of concern. Each sampling area was prepared by using a 1 square foot template. Only non-porous smooth surfaces were tested (Work Station Example in Photo 1). Galson Laboratories (AIHA Accredited) supplied the appropriate surface sampling wipes and individual containers for each sample. Disposable latex (non-powder) gloves were used to avoid cross-contamination between samples. Standard wipe sampling techniques were employed consistent with HUD lead guidelines. After each sample area was collected, the wipe was placed inside a container, labeled and sealed. Hygieneering provided interpretation of the surface wipe samples from an OSHA compliance perspective. The OSHA Lead Standard states “All surfaces shall be maintained as free as practicable of accumulations of lead.” Through a compliance interpretation letter on the Lead Standard, OSHA has indicated that 200ug/ft2 is acceptable for reasonable cleanliness under the lead standard – no additional cleaning would be required. The final report provided detailed surface lead results with laboratory reports and recommendations on appropriate response actions.
IDPH School Projects Asbestos Management
Summer is always a busy time with renovations for our school clients. Hygieneering provided asbestos removal design and management services to numerous school districts to facilitate summer break renovation projects. Our services involved preparing Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) asbestos design documents, contractor bid management and on-site air sampling professional and project management. Projects ranged in size and scope from small glove bagging of thermal system insulation to removal of full building wings of floor tile and mastic. Field management tasks include monitoring the contractor’s activities in accordance with the specification, air sampling inside and outside of containment during removal activities to document controls, visual inspections and final clearance sampling. Closeout final report with all required IDPH documentation was prepared.
Pre-Demolition Survey of an Industrial Gas Terminal
The client was a large gas company and the facility was a terminal that was being decommissioned. Hygieneering conducted an inspection in order to identify potential environmental issues that may be encountered prior to the planned demolition of the structures on the property relating to asbestos and lead. This assessment included inspections for the presence and identification of the following potential environmental issues: • Suspect asbestos-containing building materials. • Suspect lead-based paint. • PCB containing materials • Mercury containing equipment • CFC containing equipment The inspection report included detailed drawings and material quantities to facilitate the remediation bidding and implementation process.
Lead Dust Cleaning Project
Hygieneering was involved in this project initially to determine settled lead dust concentrations in a lead splicing training rental facility prior to the existing tenant vacating the area and turning over the property to the owner. The existing client had to also perform limited demolition to remove structures within the facility that were erected by the tenant to facilitate the lead splicing training activities. To support the project, Hygieneering, Inc. conducted initial lead wipe sampling to identify current lead dust levels and to also identify cleaning methods that would return surface lead concentrations to pre-rental conditions. Once successful procedures were established, Hygieneering developed a full project specification and provided Lead Remediation contractor retention and Project Oversight, testing and reporting. The project specification identified the surfaces and materials to be cleaned, disposed and/or recycled and specified the means and methods for PPE, specific cleaning protocol, control methods and substantial completion protocol. This lead dust cleaning involved the cleaning of designated floor and wall surfaces as well as the removal of ductwork and fan motors associated with the training room HVAC system. Also included was the cleaning and disposal of identified equipment, fire brick, wall mounted accessories and cabinets in the training room. Post-cleaning lead wipe sampling was performed to document that the area(s) had met the established post remediation criteria. TCLP waste characterization testing and filtration and testing of wastewater from cleaning activities prior to discharge or disposal was also specified in the work procedures. The project was successfully completed within prescribed timeframe and the tenant was able to turn over the space back to the Landlord as scheduled.