Recent Remediation Projects
Hygieneering's Industrial Hygiene and Safety Services have promoted a safe and healthy workplace for our clients spanning many industries. Read about these projects to get an idea of how Hygieneering, Inc. can help your work place.
Mold Remediation Design, Project Management and Turnkey Abatement
Hygieneering recently completed a Turnkey mold remediation project at a South Suburban school district to support the renovation being conducted by the district. Work needed to be coordinated with other trades working in and around the area to maintain the reconstruction timeline for the district. Hygieneering project tasks first involved the performance of an on-site review of the area to delineate the extent and scope of the mold growth. The source of the moisture had been identified and corrected by the school prior to the remediation work. The results of the inspections led to the remediation project design and contractor retention to perform the required mold remediation on the identified wall and ceiling surfaces. Hygieneering provided turnkey mold remediation services and daily project management during the remediation activities to ensure the project performance was conducted in strict compliance with the work plan, with EPA and New York Department of Public Health guidelines. This project was completed on time, on budget and the school district was able to maintain the project renovation schedule.
Underground Storage Tank Removal
Hygieneering has removed underground and above-ground storage tanks from gas stations, commercial & residential properties, schools, hospitals, trucking company terminals, and industrial facilities, ranging in size from 500 to 10,000 gallons. When it is not possible to remove underground tanks due to obstacles, such as proximity to building foundations, other tanks, or other structural components, we perform abandonment in-place operations. Hygieneering has provided contaminated-soil remediation services, environmental sampling and documentation to its clients to receive “No Further Remediation Letters” to close projects for leaking underground storage tanks. Hygieneering has also filed refund documentation on behalf of those clients participating in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Reimbursement Program.
Hospital Vacuum Tank Remediation
Our hospital client needed a 30 plus-year-old medical vacuum tank (Photo 1) removed and disposed of to facilitate renovations in the building. Hygieneering reviewed the site conditions, prepared a remediation work plan and a site safety plan for the turnkey removal of this vessel. The object of this project was to safely disassemble and decontaminate the tanks and dispose of the contents in accordance with environmental regulations. The following bullets summarize the project: • A poly-containment was constructed around the vacuum tank and the containment was fitted with a 2000 CFM filtered negative air machine that was discharged with plastic duct to outside areas to prevent any potential emissions transmitted into the building. • All workers inside the containment were wearing level C personal protective equipment (PPE) including full-face respirators with protection for Mercury, Organic Material and Particulates. • Due to the possible presence of decaying organic matter in the tanks, the tanks were flooded with Carbon Dioxide to reduce the oxygen level to prevent an explosion due to methane given off by that material. • Using hand tools and reciprocating saws, the tanks were disassembled (Photo 2). Hot work permits were obtained from the site safety team for the tank demolition. The disassembled sections of tanks were removed and cleaned with a solution of bleach and then another solution of Simple Green and water. Items were then stacked inside the containment for proper disposal (Photo 3). • Air sampling measurements were taken throughout the tank removal process using a QRAE 4-gas meter and MiniRae Photoionization meter. The 4-gas meter was used to measure carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, lower explosive limit and oxygen level; the photoionization meter was used to measure the presence of hydrocarbons in the air. Air measurements for Mercury were taken throughout using a Nippon Mercury Meter. In summary, the vacuum tanks were removed as planned in a safe, organized manner and the contents were disposed of by the client.
Mercury Screening and Cleanup
Our client was a hospital that planned to demolish an old building that was previously mixed use, including some laboratory areas. As part of the pre-demolish activities which included numerous environmental aspects, one task was to conduct a mercury screening of the building focusing on the drain traps in the labs. Hygieneering utilized a Nippon EMP 2 Mercury Vapor Analyzer to investigate for hidden/trapped mercury. We took advantage of the warm weather and conducted the survey when the indoor temperatures were in the 80s. We used a hazardous material sub-contractor to open laboratory drain lines to assist in searching for residual mercury. In summary, numerous locations within drain traps and on floors/sink areas in the former laboratories contained hidden mercury. Each location was addressed appropriately and cleaned by the hazardous waste contractor with proper PPE, engineering controls and work practices. The mercury waste was barreled and manifested for proper disposal.
Histoplasmosis (Bird/Bat Droppings Remediation and Clean-up Services)
Histoplasmosis is the most common endemic fungal infection in North America that affects the lungs. Each year, up to 250,000 people in the U.S. are found to have histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by breathing in spores of a fungus often found in bird and bat droppings (feces). Histoplasmosis is most commonly transmitted when these spores become airborne, often during cleanup, excavation, renovation or demolition projects. Often bird and bat droppings can and will be found in occupied buildings (i.e. penthouses, mechanical rooms, attics, parking garages, etc.). We recently had a healthcare facility client that had a bird dropping issue in a tunnel/crawl space next to their facility. Hygieneering assessed the risk associated with areas of contamination based on the location of identified droppings and the facility occupancy and exposure potential. Hygieneering designed the workplan, performed environmental contracting and project management for the remediation.